Journal of the Paralympic Research Group Vol.06

The Paralympic Research Group publishes, seasonally in principle, a Journal which announces major results of the studies by the Group and by relevant researchers in order to share them with interested fellow researchers or students.

Vol.6 (published in October 2016)



  • War and the Paralympics (PDF)

Kazuo OGOURA  1
(English summary)  9

  • Surveys Commissioned to Examine the State of Disability Sport in Southeast Asian Countries:
    Toward Support in the Lead Up to the Tokyo Paralympic Games (PDF)

Amiko NOBORI 11
(English summary) 13

  • Disability sport in Malaysia (PDF)

Selina KHOO 17 
(Japanese summary) 30

  • The Current Situation Surrounding Persons with Disabilities and Disabled Sports in Indonesia (PDF)

Sayuri TOSHA 31
(English summary) 47

  • Summary Report on the International Symposium
    International Panel I "Disabled Sports in Asia"
    Adapted Physical Education and Exercise Joint Sport Congress in Hokkaido (PDF)

Hiromi SATOH 49
(English summary) 67

  • Appendix (PDF)

     Cooperative Relationship between IOC and IPC since the 1980s
     Overview of the Summer Olympic Games
     Overview of the Winter Olympic Games
     Overview of the Summer Paralympic Games
     Overview of the Winter Paralympic Games
